Login Form

Become a member (see information on this page)

(Password must be at least 6 characters with 1 uppercase and 1 symbol)

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How to join?

Well firstly you need to do some reading to see if this VU is what you are looking for.

Please read and digest the following sections of the "About us" menu:

Who we are


Intent Statement

Agree with all that and still reading ...
Click on “Create an account”, fill in the form and you should receive an email pretty much straight away.
This will give you a userid and a password that will work both on the web site and the forum.

Why should I join?

Well at the moment you have access to some parts of the web site but not all of it. The parts that provide the most value are available to members only.
To give you a taste of those parts included below are snapshots of the restricted areas, this way you can look, get an idea, and can make your own determination.

Read more: Membership

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