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Philanthropic Organisations

We at BG ANZAC fully appreciate that while we destroy electronic warriors and vehicles with gusto that in the real world such conflicts generate a large number of casualties.
Some of us have lost colleagues and mates in the service of their country.
Others have returned physically or mentally scarred.
Thankfully the modern world has support organisations dedicated to help either the person themselves, their family, or indeed those they have left behind.
We ask you to think about perhaps making a contribution to one of these groups (or another you may know of) to help those affected by the conflicts Australians have served in and continue to serve in:
Soldier On
Beyond Blue

Steel Beasts related sites

Steel Beasts (the Forum, Downloads, etc.)
Steel Beasts (links page)
eSim Games (Purchase the product, download patches)

YouTube Resources

Vigilant Guardian (Zipuli's record of the UN conflict created and run by Anzac, not BG ANZAC)

Brave Rifles (Zipuli's Third World War series based on 3 ACR)

Where Eagles Dare (Spin off of Brave Rifles with Eagle Troop)

Mission Editor (Toyguy's Mission Editor series)

Various (Collection of miscellaneous Steel Beasts videos)


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