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Intent Statement


As outlined on the “Who we are“ page, BG ANZAC primary aim is to provide a local venue for Australians and New Zealanders to use the Steel Beasts Pro PE software to simulate modern warfare, be it predominantly armoured, asymmetric, or dismounted in nature.

A secondary aim is to help non serving players gain a working understanding of the tactics, techniques and procedures (within security constraints) used by many Western armies, and their likely opponents, when employing this equipment so they can acquit themselves well when participating in the frequent multi national, multi player events held throughout the year.


These goals are achieved by holding weekly meetings and as part of the meeting cycle, running internal, staged, training activities (using open source information) on the conduct of various types of military operation.

Participation in these local activities serves as good preparation for participation in the frequent multi national, multi player events held throughout the year.

As a good community member, and as a professional development activity, BG ANZAC has run one of these events in each of the past two years. This has developed planning and scenario creation and playtesting skills within the Battle Group’s members.

End State

The desired end state is one in which the members:

- Enjoy their participation and want to continue their membership

- Develop a sense of camaraderie with people of similar interests

- Develop an esprit de corps within BG ANZAC

- Tell their friends about the software and ideally recruit additional members

- Increase their understanding of and proficiency with the software

- Have sufficient confidence to attend broader community led multi player events

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